In the analysis you may find it strange that some planets are in a different house than you thought they are, or as they appear in the chart. This could be due to two reasons. The first is that you had your horoscope read with the House System of Koch or Placidus, while here we use other House Systems, because Koch and Placidus are based on arbitrary calculations and do not cover the whole globe. The second is that these planets are in Metaichmium with the next House and therefore make a Conjunction with that House. The concept of Metaichmium was introduced by Alan Leo with whom I agree after personal experience, and he says that when a planet is close to the Beginning of the next House in less than 5 degrees, then it is considered that this planet belongs to the next House, because it forms Conjunction with the Beginning of this next House. Of course, when Metaichmio is used in predictive programs of Transits, Progresses, etc., then it is reduced to 1 degree. If you do not want to use Metahimmio in your Analysis, put 0 in the relevant box.