The state of the art in astrology prediction is here!
Presents the daily forecasts in order of strength, and then shows the passage of the planets through the natal houses.
Daily Predictions, Progresses, Compatibility and the Future of a relationship.
Forecasting and Organization. 24-hour or monthly chart of the astral influences concerning you.
For Energy, Mood, Clarity, Joy, Body, Luck, Time, Change, Inspiration, Wealth!
Search with keywords for topics you want to know.
This transit horoscope program moves through time like a clock.
It is a predictions program based on the person's age.
With this program you can do up to 31 days or 24 hours predictions at once. If there are any associated natal aspects, it also displays them.
The program makes general predictions for years and months based on the axiom: one day after birth corresponds to one year of life.
Fast specific predictions over time.
Personal Prediction in your email everyday!